ASSESSMENT: Measuring Soft Skill Proficiency

By Middle School, students have identified their interests and have had the opportunity to discuss the features of several careers. Teachers will choose one assessment from the buttons below and record the findings on the student's website.
Middle School
Employability/Life Skills Assessment (Parent) *
9th & 10th Grade
QuickBook Transition Assessment Planning
11& 12th
College Readiness Checklist
Middle School
Student dream sheet
Employability/Life Skills Assessment (Student) *
O*NET (Career Interest Profiler)AIR Self Determination Assessment
Things that are Difficult for Me
Personal Preference Indicators
Learning Styles Inventory
9th Grade
WCS Self Advocacy Checklist
Self Determination Preference Choices
Employability/Life Skills Assessment (Student)
QuickBook Transition Assessment Planning
AIR Self Determination Assessment
10th Grade
Things that are Difficult for Me
11th & 12th Grade
Tips for Transition Planning Survey
Self Advocacy Checklist
Personal Preference Indicators